Friday, 2 July 2010

Serious progression ...

We're making progress. Tami's nieces arrive on July 5th from Las Vegas and then her parents fly in on the 7th, so it's a race to the finish! Tiling of kitchen areas, utility rooms, and two bathrooms should take place the first week they're here, but the glass sliding doors have been delayed by the manufacturer by a week, so it's of no surprise we're delayed again. The weather in London has been amazing for the past three weeks with hot (80s) & sunny days. With a new patio and mini-kitchen all ready for our use we can't complain too much because we're just about at the finish line. Enjoy the photos!

- new coping stones on roof parapet wall

- plastered ceiling around skylights

Antonio standing in what will be the utility room
Ladder is where kitchen will go
Mixer is where eating area will be

- new plaster on ceiling and around skylights
- dug out patio area

- nice patio area dug out


Insulation laid on floor before the screed is put down

New plaster, new plumbing pipes laid, first fixing electrics completed, DPM & insulation laid

kitchen area (utility room through stud wall)

insulation throughout

new patio sandstone laid (YAY!)
Acko drain flush to new floor and patio level so it's a seamless entrance and exit through glass sliding doors...(installation 13/07/2010)

lower ground level mini-kitchen

newly installed kitchen for flat (glossy white)

kitchen to left - utility room & storage room entrance (middle)